Ballot Statement
Li DelPan
Occupation: Banker/ Finance Professional
Education and Qualifications:
As current member of Marin County Board of Education, I have experienced first-hand our important work for all of Marin’s children and youth.
As a Parent, I want for all parents what I wanted for my child including high quality infants/toddlers’ childcare and Early-Education programs; best teachers and staff; and education that provides skills to maximize children’s potential in all life stages.
As a Community member, ensure Safe and Healthy schools and students access to outstanding education including all subjects of learning and programs addressing global warming, democracy, diversity, and equality.
As a Businessperson, use my MBA, finance and banking acumen to support schools’ effective operations and strategic use of resources.
As a Board Member, I have supported high quality childcare and early-education; Oak Hills Apartments Project providing 135 affordable housing units for public school staff; and creation of the Marin Career Technical Education Center to provide youths with workplace skills that align personal values with career goals.
My professional background is an important asset in this Board’s decision making. I am a member of the MCOE Finance and MCOE Board Policy Review Committees. My fellow board members appreciate my skills and passion for always doing the best for kids – and I am honored that I have the endorsement of all my fellow Board members.